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Communicable E22: Women & men in medicine: An honest discussion, part 1 S2E22

Communicable E22: Women & men in medicine: An honest discussion, part 1

· 40:17

In honour of International Women's Day, Communicable releases the first of a two-part special on gender dynamics within the fields of infectious diseases and clinical microbiology. Moderated by Angela Huttner, part 1 focuses on the women's perspectives, featuring CMI Comms editors Erin McCreary, Annie Joseph, and Huttner herself, who together reflect on personal experiences of gender bias in the workplace. They discuss differential (mis)treatment, break down common gendered situations in the workplace, and explore what individuals, institutes and society can do to promote a more inclusive, supportive environment for all. Editors Marc Bonten, Josh Davis, Navaneeth Narayanan and Thomas Tängdén of CMI Comms also join for part 1.

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